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Neck Lift Sydney (Platysmaplasty)

Neck Lift Sydney

To address excess and sagging skin, excess fat pockets and signs of ageing on the neck, a neck lift (platysmaplasty) can tighten skin and change the mandibular and neck’s contours. A neck lift can also address the lower face and jawline.

Changes in the appearance of the neck can occur over time due to genetics, the natural ageing process, significant weight loss, excessive sun exposure and lifestyle habits such as smoking. These changes can be difficult to address through diet and exercise alone, particularly post-weight loss changes, as the skin may not have enough elasticity to tighten naturally.

A neck lift is a personalised procedure, performed with individually tailored steps in order to suit the patient’s features and accommodate personal preferences.


Before & After
Neck Lift

The outcomes shown are only relevant for this patient and do not necessarily reflect the results other patients may experience, as results may vary due to many factors, including the individual’s genetics, diet and exercise. Some images may have the patient’s tattoos, jewellery or other identifiable items blurred to protect patient identities.

Neck Lift Sydney (Platysmaplasty)

Your consultation at Aesthetic Edge in Sydney

Before undergoing a neck lift, you’ll have a thorough consultation process with Dr Jeremy Hunt, to assess your suitability for the procedure and discuss other key factors. A consultation will be $400 and will be important to ensure you make an informed decision, receive a detailed and personalised procedure plan and understand what is involved during preparation and recovery.
During the consultation process, you will discuss:

Your suitability for the neck lift procedure

A neck lift should only be performed on suitable candidates to minimise risks. Suitable candidates for a neck lift should be in good general health, non-smokers or willing to quit before and after the procedure, not currently pregnant or breastfeeding and able to follow recovery instructions. Candidates should also have realistic expectations for the procedure.

The details of your procedure plan

The steps of your procedure will be tailored to suit your needs. You will discuss your personal concerns and procedure expectations during your consultation, so that Dr Hunt can plan the details of your procedure. By collaboratively putting your procedure plan together, you can know what to expect on the day of your procedure and during recovery, and understand details such as where your incisions will be placed.

Preparing for a neck lift

Once the details of your procedure are discussed, Dr Hunt can then discuss how to prepare for your procedure. Typically, preparing for surgery will include to stay hydrated and follow a healthy diet to maintain good health and a stable weight. If you are a smoker, you’ll be instructed to quit for a sufficient length of time before the procedure. You may need to stop taking certain medications before your procedure, such as blood thinning medications, as they can raise procedure risks. Your preparation instructions will be tailored to your personalised procedure, any health factors and your lifestyle.

Recovering after a neck lift

Recovering from a neck lift will require you to follow some important instructions to best support your body’s healing process and minimise risks. You will need to follow wound care instructions to care for incision sites, avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting, take prescribed pain medication, sleep with your head elevated to help reduce swelling and maintain a healthy diet. Slowly resuming activities, you’ll need to take a sufficient amount of time off work or your normal daily routine to recover.

The costs of your procedure

Since your neck lift procedure costs are based on your personalised procedure details, such as the length and complexity of the procedure, Dr Hunt can discuss the costs once you have planned your surgery. Costs will cover fees such as surgeon’s fees, anaesthetist fees and hospital fees, as well as fees that may be required
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The Neck Lift Procedure

You’ll discuss the details of your neck lift procedure during your consultation at Aesthetic Edge in Sydney. Each patient will have a personalised procedure, collaboratively planning the procedure with Dr Jeremy Hunt.

A neck lift (platysmaplasty) is performed under general anaesthesia. You will discuss the placement of your incisions with Dr Hunt, but they are generally placed in easily concealable areas, such as behind the ears, under the chin, and in the hairline.

Once incisions are placed, loose skin can be tightened and excess skin can be removed. Excess fat pockets can also be removed and the platysma muscles will be tightened, depending on your needs.

Neck Lift options

Different techniques may be used during the procedure, including:


Cervicoplasty involves removing excess skin. This usually requires placing incisions behind the ears or underneath the chin.


Liposuction can be performed to remove excess fat pockets. Liposuction may require placing a small incision underneath the chin.


Platysmaplasty involves tightening the muscles that can contribute to sagging skin on the neck.

Your procedure can involve a combination of the above techniques. To finish the procedure, the incisions are sutured closed. You will then be monitored in the hospital after the procedure before returning home to recover.

Depending on your needs, you may decide to have a combined procedure, such as combining your neck lift with a facelift (rhytidectomy). If you do decide to combine your procedure with another surgery, you’ll discuss the further procedure steps, including incision placements and extra procedure time, during your consultation. Combining procedures can also affect recovery time and steps, which you will also be able to discuss in further detail.

Recovery Information and Steps

During your consultation, Dr Hunt will provide you with individualised recovery instructions to follow after your neck lift procedure. He can also provide you with an outline as to what to expect after recovery, such as what you can expect to experience (swelling, discomfort) and when you can begin to resume certain activities.

What to expect

What you can expect for the recovery period after your neck lift, such as how long it will take to fully recover, will depend on the complexity of your procedure and your body’s own healing pace.

It’s common to experience swelling and bruising after any surgical procedure. Bruising should subside on its own throughout recovery and the reduction of swelling can be supported by following certain recovery instructions. The initial swelling and bruising can last for up to 2 weeks after the procedure.

Within the first 48 hours after your procedure, you’ll need to get sufficient rest. You may be instructed to wear a compression garment for close to 24 hours a day, including throughout the night while you sleep.

During the first two weeks of recovery, you’ll be advised to avoid strenuous activities. You’ll need to take sufficient time away from work, which can depend on the physical demands of your job. You will also need to avoid excessive heat exposure, including saunas and hot baths. You will receive advice on how soon you can shower after surgery and how to care for your incision sites to avoid complications such as infection.

After about two weeks, you may be able to return to work and slowly resume normal activities, depending on the demands of your job. Generally, strenuous exercise should still be avoided for at least six weeks, but this can vary from patient to patient. Contact sports may need to be avoided for longer, usually until about three months after surgery.

You will need to wait until the swelling has completely subsided before being able to see the final results of your procedure. This commonly takes about six weeks after the procedure, but it will depend on your body’s individual healing process.

As for follow-up appointments with Dr Hunt, you’ll have your first check-up within the first week after your procedure to monitor your healing process and have your sutures removed. You’ll then have about three more check-up appointments, usually at six weeks, six months and 12 months after the procedure.

General recovery instructions

You will need to follow your personalised instructions as provided to you by Dr Hunt. Your instructions will be influenced by the details of your procedure and personal factors such as your health history and lifestyle.

Common neck lift recovery instructions can include to:

  • Quit smoking for at least two weeks
  • void alcohol for at least two weeks
  • Avoid excessive heat exposure (steam rooms, saunas, hot baths and pools) for about three weeks
  • Avoid massaging the neck area
  • Avoid strenuous head movements
  • Avoid strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for about three weeks
  • Aim to sleep with your head elevated on an extra pillow
  • Follow wound care instructions
  • Wear a compression garment
  • Attend follow-up appointments to monitor healing
Aesthetic Edge Sydney, recovery information and instructions with Dr Hunt, fleur de lis abdominoplasty consult,

Costs of a Neck Lift in Sydney

You will receive a personalised quote for the costs of your neck lift procedure during your consultation at Aesthetic Edge in Sydney.

Costs will vary based on the type of neck procedure performed, the details of the procedure, the procedure goals and the total procedure time.

During your consultation, you’ll discuss your goals and medical history and have your neck and facial features assessed to help determine a procedure plan. Once your procedure plan has been collaboratively created, Dr Hunt can estimate your procedure costs.

Your neck lift costs will cover:
  • Surgeon’s fees
  • Anaesthesia fees
  • Hospital fees, such as equipment, use of the theatre and use of the recovery room
  • Costs associated with recovery, such as a compression garment and follow-up appointments to remove sutures and monitor healing

Combining procedures

Some patients may choose to combine their neck lift with a facelift (rhytidectomy) for a unified and comprehensive approach. If you have a combined procedure, this will influence your procedure costs. You’ll be able to discuss the details of a combined procedure during your consultation, including what you can expect when it comes to fees.


For a surgical procedure to be eligible for a Medicare rebate, patients will need to be able to prove that the procedure is medically necessary. Since neck lift procedures are typically performed for cosmetic reasons only and are not a medical necessity for the patient, they are generally not eligible for Medicare.

To discuss further information on Medicare, you can ask any questions you may have during your consultation.

Risks and complications

The risks and complications of a neck lift procedure will be discussed during your consultation so that you can make an informed decision as to whether or not to proceed with the surgery. All surgeries can be associated with some level of risk and practices can be put into place to help minimise these risks. Following preparation and recovery instructions and being honest about your health history, current health conditions and lifestyle factors during the consultation process will also help to prevent complications from occurring during and after the procedure.

The risks and complications of a breast augmentation can include:

Your recovery instructions will need to consider the details of your procedure, your personal needs and any lifestyle factors that can affect your body’s healing process. Dr Hunt will provide you with personalised instructions that will be essential to follow to minimise procedure risks.
  • Swelling, bruising and discomfort
  • Prolonged pain
  • Infection
  • Bleeding
  • Scarring
  • Temporary or permanent numbness
  • Hematoma (Collection of blood)
  • Seroma (Fluid build-up)
  • Temporary difficulties in swallowing (due to swelling)
  • Changes in skin texture of colour
  • Asymmetrical results
  • Anaesthesia complications
There may be more potential complications associated with your procedure if you are combining a neck lift with additional procedures. If you are combining your neck lift with another surgery, any additional risks will be disclosed during your consultation.
Neck Lift Sydney (Platysmaplasty)

Neck Lift FAQs

Neck lift procedures are commonly combined with a facelift for comprehensive and unified results, but this will depend on the needs of each individual patient. Your option to combine surgeries can be discussed during your consultation, as well as your personal suitability for combining procedures.
The length of your recovery will depend on the complexity of your procedure, your body’s healing process, how well you follow preparation and recovery instructions and whether or not you have combined a neck lift with an additional procedure, such as a facelift. Generally, a neck lift recovery will take about six weeks to three months. Follow-up appointments can be necessary up until 12 months after the procedure to monitor healing.
Since the duration of your recovery will depend on personalised factors, such as the complexity of your procedure and your body’s natural healing process, the time frame in which you can see your full results will vary from patient to patient. Typically, patients can see their results after about six weeks of recovery. Swelling and bruising will need to have subsided sufficiently before results can be clearly visible.